The life we are living here below
Is only a little span,
When compared with the never-ending flow
Of the years that are to come.
We live for a certain purpose here;
To fulfill a certain plan.
The path we are treading thro' this world
Leads only to the gate
Of a city in the Heavenly world;
We'll reach it soon or late;
And the purpose we have lived out here
Will then decide our fate.
If we've lived for self, and selfish ends,
And ever strove to gain
The world's applause, men's words of praise,
Great wealth, or kingly fame,
We will never enter the pearly gate
If this has been our aim.
If we've lived out only the one word, "self,"
If it is the only name,
That we have regarded in this life,
It would surely be in vain
To ask an entrance into Heaven
On the Strength of such a name.
If we would pass the gate of pearl,
As revealed in God's own word,
We must take a standard high and pure,
Self must ever be ignored; now
We must live for God's holy Son,
For Jesus Christ our Lord.