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Airplane Poems

Table of Contents

  1. The Airplane by Annette Wynne
  2. In an Airplane by Doris Kenyon
  3. The Birds Discuss the Aeroplane by Anonymous

  1. The Airplane

    by Annette Wynne

    I like to see the airplane and hear the buzzing sound,
    And see it settle like a bird quite safely on the ground;
    I like to see it spread its wings just like a butterfly—
    You'd think perhaps 'twould find a star to light on in the sky.

  2. In an Airplane

    by Doris Kenyon

    Gently the ground sank from me ere I knew;
    My heart leaped up as breaking earth's last bond;
    The trees in huge bouquets a moment swayed
    Like rushes round a pond.
    Busy within their pigmy colonies,
    Below I saw the toiling human ants—
    Then they were gone. Ah! now I know whence come
    Our dreams; they dwell where sunrays wink and glance
    Among the rose-hued clouds which break away
    In fragments, as soft breezes earthward play;
    And sailing by, I saw dim forms that knelt
    Before an altar like pale nuns in gray.
    I was a bird—on pinions wide I swept
    Upward, forever upward still I kept;
    I felt no earthly fetter binding me,
    For I, at last, was free.

  3. The Birds Discuss the Aeroplane

    by Anonymous

    Said the Owl: "It's a marvel! I never have heard
    Of such a gigantic, impossible bird."

    Said the Vulture: "Its wings are of awkward design,
    But as big as a hundred, a thousand, of mine."

    Said the Swallow: "It's one of the funniest things,
    For often I've seen it with two pairs of wings."

    Said the Thrush: "What a clatter and whir are its cries!
    And it won't sing a note except when it flies."

    Said the Eagle: "It climbs most amazingly high;
    I've met it a mile or more up in the sky."

    Said the Buzzard: "It soars with a beautiful grace,
    And it curves and it dives at a wonderful pace."

    Said the Duck: "I have seen one afloat on the sea,
    That rose from the water exactly like me."

    Said the Hawk: "It's astounding! Again and again
    I've seen the bird capture and carry off—men!"

    "But sometimes it tumbles," the Whippoorwill said,
    "And lies on the ground like a bundle of lead."

    "And one," said the Crane, "with a terrible sound
    Exploded, and fell, all afire, to the ground."

    "Dear me!" said they all, "what a puzzling affair!
    It's the queerest of creatures that fly in the air!"

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