They followed the star by faith,—all may follow
Their steps to fair Bethlehem's gates;
The song of the angels, our bosoms may hallow,—
The Savior, to meet us there, waits.
What song can compare with the song which they sing,—
'Tis the song which eternity fills;—
Good will toward men, is the song which they bring,
While shepherds descend from the hills.
The news now is gladness, 'tis joy, it is peace,
Which the wings of the angels unfold;
Their message of truth, our faith shall increase,
Where the star leads our eyes to behold.
Redemption from bondage, and slavery's chains,
Our lips now in praises may sing;
We follow the Star, where the image contains
Our Conqueror, Priest, and our King.
The lowliest station, he takes for his bed,
The meanest of clothing puts on;
He is found without pomp, where the oxen are fed,
Though the world he can claim as his own,
Blest pattern of meekness, thy visit we prize,
Our hearts feel new joys while we sing;
Our praises in concert, shall constantly rise,
Till earth owns her Savior and King.