When cares oppress and wound the heart,
What sweet relief does love impart;
Can aught beneath the radiant sun,
Inspire such charms as love hath done.
Love! yes, 'twas love that bled for all,
That paid the ransom from the fall;
When no kind arm was stretch'd to save,
Our Savior's life in love He gave.
There is a charm in love's command,
That follows where the christian band
Unite in praises to their King,
While notes of joy tune every string.
The joys of love survive the tomb,
'Tis like an ever-green in bloom;
When outward beauty fades away,
Love lights the soul to realms of day.
Then fear not age, with silvery hair,
For mental worth shines then most fair;—
'Tis then the graces most conspire,
To set it forth in meek attire.