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Who Is My Neighbor?

by Elizabeth Hedge Webster

Who is my neighbor? Not the one
Who best may please my selfish heart;
Nor yet the wise and good alone
Who in my love and joy bear part.
Perchance the poor, the low, or vile
My steps may pass and kindness need;
Such is my neighbor as myself to love,
The naked clothe, the hungry feed.

If I my neighbor as myself do love,
I'll treat him as I would that he,
Our places changed, would do by me,
As careful, tender, just, and free;
I'd love to feel his kindness flow
In patient words and gentle deeds
When burdened I would feel the glow
From heavenly charity proceeds.

And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

– Mark 12:31

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