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An Alaskan Lake

by Frank B. Camp

Your waters gleaming,
The sunlight streaming,
Then darkness earthward crawls;
The sun's last glimmer
Grows dimmer, dimmer,
Night's curtain slowly falls.

Your waves a-moaning,
Restless and groaning,
Pounding shore, in varied size;
The fog ascending,
With clouds is blending,
The stars are blinking their eyes.

Your waters swelling,
With murmur telling
A story ages old.
Now dashing madly,
Then crying sadly,
Seeming at times to scold.

Then capped with froth,
Your waves grow wroth,
And angry lash the shore;
With clouds of spray
Through night and day,
Emitting sullen roar.

Your waters peaceful,
Calm and ceaseful
With just a gentle roll;
Bring me contentment,
Banish resentment
And soothe my heart and soul.

I hear the wild bee's mellow chord,
In airs that swim above;
The lesser hermit tunes his flute,
To solitude and love.

Farewell, dear bird, I turn my face
To other skies than thine;
A thousand leagues of land and sea
Between thy home and mine.

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