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Thou Knowest

by John Hill Luther

Thou knowest all, O Teacher,
My future as well as my past;
The clouds may be drifting toward me,
The shadows gathering fast,
But with thee there is no danger:
Sunshine must come at last.

Thou knowest all, O Teacher,
How in weariness and fears
I have sought Thee, found The, heard Thee
Utter words that dried my tears,
O 'twere sin to doubt Thy goodness
After all the proofs of years.

Thou knowest all, O Teacher,
Better than my lips can tell,
How the world allures and mocks me,
And what foes within me dwell—
Knowest all; yet in my weakness
Comes the message, All is well.

Thou Knowest all, O Teacher;
Knowest when my weary feet
Shall reach the pearly gates on high;
When loved ones gone before shall greet
The chastened spirit, longing most
Thee, Oh my Prince, my Love, to meet.

Then I can wait, and waiting, watch,
And as I watch toil while I may;
For well I know He waits for me—
Nay, often meets me in the way,
Foreshadowing, as he passes by,
The glories of the latter day.

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