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Sun-Kissed Oklahoma

by LeRoy Huron Kelsey

Oklahoma, land of promise, wondrous in thy might,
Balmy are thy days and sunny, blue thy skies and bright;
Flower-scented are the breezes o'er thy verdant plains,
Music-throated are thy song-birds in their glad refrains;
Fat and sleek thy short-horn cattle on their pastures green,
Pure and clear thy water-courses, with their silver sheen.

Oklahoma, land of cotton, and of wheat and corn,
Varied are the crops abundant that thy fields adorn;
Clover sweet and fine alfalfa in thy meadows grow;
Under-ground thy gas and oil wells yield a precious flow;
Princely are thy lead and zinc mines, richest in the land;
Regal wealth and splendid resources are at thy command.

Oklahoma, land of plenty, and of magic stride,
Industry has been thy habit, up-to-date-ness is thy pride;
Where the stranger finds a welcome and the honest man a home,
On the prairies where but lately swarthy Red-men used to roam;
Great commercial growth and progress has rewarded enterprise,
And to-day thy rank and prestige e'en thy rivals recognize.

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