An orphan to our home we took—
A little brown-eyed dove;
So winning- in her baby ways,
We could not choose but love.
A home with only sons—
Unblest by sister's grace—
What marvel they claimed her
To fill the vacant place?
Like a sunbeam to our home
She came, our dull lives to bless—
A humming bird amid the gloom
That on leafless forest rest.
Grown-up ones, though of life a part,
Excites not the sympathy,
That wells up in the parent heart,
For weak, helpless infancy.
Our lives had drifted on the same
For many, many years:
Our hearts, like an arid plain,
Our eyes unused to tears.
She soon awoke our love,
For it was but asleep;
Eyes not used to tears,
Alas! soon learned to weep.
Death has nipped our flow'ret,
With all her winsome charms;
For her angel mother came
And took her from our arms.
Ah! our home is lonely now
Though we are nearing rest;
To Our Father's will we bow,
He governs for the best.