Sow afresh! be not dishearten'd,
Though thy works have suffered blight—
Though the glorious sky has darken'd,
When it look'd most fair and bright:
Sow afresh! be up and doing!
Let the earth receive the grain!
Thou shalt have the joy of knowing,
Life has not been spent in vain.
Start afresh, desponding brother!
Enter life's eventful field!
Haply this, thy new endeavour,
May a plenteous harvest yield:
Start afresh! all fears forsaking!
Soon the clouds will disappear;
Form with prayer each undertaking,
Then thy Father's smile will cheer.
Labour on, still praying, hoping,
Working out some honest plan,
Through the darkness onward groping,—
Such must be the life of man:
Battling ever with obstruction,
Pressing onward to the goal,
Are the means to gain distinction,
And bespeak a noble soul.