Midnight reigns;—on the ocean
Calmly sleeps the starry beam;
Steady is the barque's proud motion,
Peaceful is the sailor's dream.
Sailor, waken, death is near,
Waken from deceitful sleep;
Sailor, ere the dawn appear,
Thou shalt slumber in the deep.
Lightly on the riven wave,
Bounding swift, with murderous mein,
Ploughing o'er its victim's grave,
Lo, the pirate-ship is seen.
Gorged from guilt's infernal womb,
Lurk around the savage crew;
On each brow, the fiend of gloom
Stamps its seal, to horror true.
Luxury of crime is theirs,
Dead to feeling, as to fear;
Cruelty each bosom shares,
Banqueting on sorrow's tear.
Gold their idol, to the god
Nightly, fearful orgies rise;
Rites accursed, steeped in blood,
Mark the human sacrifice.
Like a demon ripe from hell,
See the chieftain stalk apart;
Hark, his voice, 'tis misery's knell,
Joy alone could writhe his heart.
Dear to him is childhood's moan,
Female shrieks to him are bliss;
Mercy, canst thou rear thy throne
In a bosom seared like this?
Now with crime-accursed mirth,
Horrid laughter shakes the sky;
Drunk with blood, the stain of earth,
Join in fearful revelry.
Sailor, waken, death is near,
Waken from deceitful sleep;
Sailor, ere the dawn appear,
Thou shalt slumber in the deep.