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Poems About Moving On

Table of Contents

  1. Quest by Winifred Webb
  2. Forth From Your Past! by Amos Russel Wells
  3. The Road Goes Ever On by J. R. R. Tolkien

  1. Quest

    by Winifred Webb

    Ho all you eager travelers!
    Have you some place to go
    Where you forget the many things
    You wish you did not know?
    Forget your own insistent past
    And feel just fit and free?
    If you have found it, won't you tell
    Its happy name to me?

  2. Forth From Your Past!

    by Amos Russel Wells

    Forth from your lowly Past! In humble wise
    Up to the highest heaven lift your eyes.
    No glories that the heroes ever knew
    But God has placed them waiting there for you.

    Forth from your evil Past! The shame and sin—
    Dare now to live as they had never been.
    In Jesus cleansed and in His sureness sure,
    Know that the years to come are sweet und pure.

    Forth from your troubled Past! How dark the days.
    How dreary and perplexed your wandering waya!
    Forget those fears and tears and scenes abhorred.
    And enter all the joyance of your Lord.

    Forth from your lonely Past! No comrade knew
    Your inner warfare for the good and true;
    But in the time to come till time shall end
    You shall not lack a comrade and a friend.

    Forth from your Past! 'Twas given you to build
    A Future from it all with blessings filled.
    Enter its open gate its liberal door,
    And live its happy lord for evermore.

  3. The Road Goes Ever On

    by J. R. R. Tolkien

    Roads go ever ever on,
    Over rock and under tree,
    By caves where never sun has shone,
    By streams that never find the sea;

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