Isaac McLellan Home Poems Poets Isaac McLellan Poems Canvas-Back and Red-Heads by Isaac McLellan In sharp November, from afar, From Northern river, stream, and lake, Great Gray Wolf by Isaac McLellan Wolves range innumerous the great Northwest, And chief of all those prowlers is the Gray; Hunting the Grizzly Bear by Isaac McLellan Ursus Horibilis―the grizzly bear Hath range from Mexico to Canadian realm, Maine by Isaac McLellan Far in the sunset's mellow glory, Far in the day-break's pearly bloom, Mule-Deer by Isaac McLellan In the long-vanish'd years, this continent, So vast extended from the sea to sea, My Old Fishing Boat by Isaac McLellan My old boat rests on the shore, By the river's sedgy brink, October by Isaac McLellan It is October, and the glory of the year Is in the skies and on the woods extended far and near; Polar Bear by Isaac McLellan Amid the vast, eternal ice, The crystal plain, the drifting floe, Roar of the African Lion by Isaac McLellan This noble monarch of the Afric waste Meets with no rival to contest his reign, Rocky Mountain Goat by Isaac McLellan On Rocky Mountain cliff and ridge, Along the shelving Western slopes, Sea-Gull by Isaac McLellan Sea-bird, skimmer of the waves, Whither doth thy journey tend? Squirrels by Isaac McLellan When soft May breezes fan th' awaking woods, And with her fairy wand the blue-ey'd Spring The Black Bear by Isaac McLellan The great black bear hath wide-extended range O'er every region in these banded States; The Last Buffalo by Isaac McLellan Last of his royal race! He wanders lonely, o'er the trackless waste, The Old Mill by the River by Isaac McLellan Here in the years when life was bright With dewy mornings and sunset light, The Whale by Isaac McLellan Sailing across the lonely seas, Sailing across the Okotsh Sound, The Wild Swan by Isaac McLellan Ah, whence dost thou come, O bird of wide-spread wing? From what remotest shore dost thou wondrous tidings bring? The Wild Swan by Isaac McLellan Far dost thou come, O bird of noblest form, From stormy regions of the Arctic home; White Polar Bear by Isaac McLellan In the far North where Arctic vigors reign Man penetrates with awe the dreary scene, The Wild Turkey by Isaac McLellan These noble birds that did abound Innumerous over Northern ground― Wild Horse of the Prairies by Isaac McLellan For other scenes their lights expand, Out in the savage western land,