When all the earth is fresh and green,
And Heaven's azure smiling too,
When sunlight comes with golden gleam
And shimmers in the shallow stream,
We say we know that Earth is sweet,
And all the shining heavens true.
But when the clouds of wintry grey
But dim the brightness of the sky,
And all our sunshine fades away,
Both out of doors and in, we say
We know that Earth's few joys are fleet,
And soon her fairest pleasures die.
So Friendship in her summer's hour
Seems pure and clear as Heaven's blue,
But when the skies of Fortune lower,
With cruel frown they try her power,
And find, tho lovely for the time,
She is, alas, how oft untrue!
O blest the love that does not go,
But strengthens with each winter's blast!
That smiles when Fortune's light is low,
And smiles again to see it glow,
That smiles in youth, in age, in prime,—
Such love as this will always last.