Can any refuse, when Jesus is near,
With light, love, and victory, crown'd;
O, who would not listen to music, more dear
Than the song of the angels around.
He stands all night long, still knocking for you,—
Rise up, and his visit prolong;
His robe, and his locks, are all dropping with dew—
Then open the door with this song.
We praise thee, O God, we acknowledge thee Lord,—
All the earth doth rejoice in her King;
While seraphs and angels obey the blest word,
O teach us the song which they sing.
The glorious band of apostles, praise thee,—
The army of martyrs all share;—
The fellowship of the good prophets agree,
While the church doth rejoice in thy care.
Now we sing to the Lamb, who taketh away
The sins of our poor fallen race;
We bless the good Spirit, who teaches to pray
For constant outpourings of grace.