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The Angel's Word

by Elizabeth Hedge Webster

Fear not, fear not, though trials press,
And sorrows dark around you throng;
My peace I give, my peace to bless;
Be strong! O yea I say—be strong!

What though the hosts of darkness try
In wrath your conflict to prolong,
Fear not, fear not, but bid them fly,
Be strong! O yea I say—be strong.

Come then and launch the shoreless deep
O sweetly sing the heavenly song,
The angels time we now will keep
Here's peace and love, be strong, be strong.

Fear not beloved, fear ye not
In love be like that holy throng
As undefiled and free from spot,
Here's peace and love, be strong, be strong.

And [the angel] said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.

– Daniel 10:19a

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