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Poems About Fear

Table of Contents

  1. Afraid? Of whom am I afraid? by Emily Dickinson
  2. I lived on dread; to those who know by Emily Dickinson
  3. Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn by Emily Dickinson
  4. The Inevitable by Emily Dickinson
  5. "It Is I: Be Not Afraid." by Anonymous
  6. When I have Fears by John Keats
  7. They Say by Anonymous
  8. Despair by Jean Blewett
  9. The Angels Word by Elizabeth Hedge Webster

  1. Afraid? Of whom am I afraid?

    by Emily Dickinson

    Afraid? Of whom am I afraid?
    Not death; for who is he?
    The porter of my father's lodge
    As much abasheth me.

    Of life? 'T were odd I fear a thing
    That comprehendeth me
    In one or more existences
    At Deity's decree.

    Of resurrection? Is the east
    Afraid to trust the morn
    With her fastidious forehead?
    As soon impeach my crown!

  2. I lived on dread; to those who know

    by Emily Dickinson

    I lived on dread; to those who know
    The stimulus there is
    In danger, other impetus
    Is numb and vital-less.

    As 't were a spur upon the soul,
    A fear will urge it where
    To go without the spectre's aid
    Were challenging despair.

  3. Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn

    by Emily Dickinson

    Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn
    Indicative that suns go down;
    The notice to the startled grass
    That darkness is about to pass.

  4. The Inevitable

    by Emily Dickinson

    While I was fearing it, it came,
    But came with less of fear,
    Because that fearing it so long
    Had almost made it dear.
    There is a fitting a dismay,
    A fitting a despair.
    'Tis harder knowing it is due,
    Than knowing it is here.
    The trying on the utmost,
    The morning it is new,
    Is terribler than wearing it
    A whole existence through.

  5. "It Is I: Be Not Afraid."

    by Anonymous

    How shall I know Thee, Master, when the night
    Falls black about the way,
    When earth is void, and heaven has no light,
    And wild winds hunt their prey?

    How shall I know 'tis Thee, or fiends of hell
    In forms that image Thee?
    They throng with mockeries, and can I tell
    When Thou art come to me?

    Yes, by the proof of peace! Oh, Saviour dear,
    However sore dismayed,
    When once Thy least low whispering I hear,
    I shall not be afraid!

  6. When I have Fears

    by John Keats

    When I have fears that I may cease to be
    Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain,
    Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,
    Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;
    When I behold, upon the night’s starred face,
    Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
    And think that I may never live to trace
    Their shadows with the magic hand of chance;
    And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
    That I shall never look upon thee more,
    Never have relish in the faery power
    Of unreflecting love—then on the shore
    Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
    Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

  7. They Say

    by Anonymous

    The subject of my speech is one
    We hear of every day—
    ’Tis simply all about the fear
    We have of what “they say!

    How happy all of us could be,
    If—as we go our way—
    We did not stop to think and care
    So much for what “they say!

  8. Despair

    by Jean Blewett

    We catch a glimpse of it, gaunt and gray,
    When the golden sunbeams are all abroad;
    We sober a moment, then softly say:
    The world still lies in the hand of God.

    We watch it stealthily creeping o'er
    The threshold leading to somebody's soul;
    A shadow, we cry, it cannot be more
    When faith is one's portion and Heaven one's goal.

    A ghost that comes stealing its way along,
    Affrighting the weak with its gruesome air.
    But who that is young and glad and strong
    Fears for a moment to meet Despair?

    To this heart of ours we have thought so bold
    All uninvited it comes one day—
    Lo! faith grows wan, and love grows cold,
    And the heaven of our dreams lies far away.

  9. The Angel's Word

    by Elizabeth Hedge Webster

    Fear not, fear not, though trials press,
    And sorrows dark around you throng;
    My peace I give, my peace to bless;
    Be strong! O yea I say—be strong!

    What though the hosts of darkness try
    In wrath your conflict to prolong,
    Fear not, fear not, but bid them fly,
    Be strong! O yea I say—be strong.

    Come then and launch the shoreless deep
    O sweetly sing the heavenly song,
    The angels time we now will keep
    Here's peace and love, be strong, be strong.

    Fear not beloved, fear ye not
    In love be like that holy throng
    As undefiled and free from spot,
    Here's peace and love, be strong, be strong.

    And [the angel] said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.

    – Daniel 10:19a

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