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Kansas Day

by Lottie Brown Allen

O, Kansas Land! Fair Kansas Land!
We come thy birthday morn to greet,
To fling fresh laurels at thy feet.
O, central gem of our great land,
Loved spot of the united band;
We hail this day, our Kansas Land.

Thou art our pride, dear Kansas Land,
Sweet peace and liberty are ours.
O, land of luscious fruits and flowers,
Of peaceful homes on hill and plain,
Of lowing herds and waving grain,
Of cities fair, on every hand.

As now in joy and pride we stand,
May we, thy children not forget,
But treasure in fond memory yet,
The awful price that has been paid,
The bitter tears that have been shed
For thy broad acres, Kansas Land.

And unto Him whose guiding hand
With sorrow's tears did christen thee
And shape thy glorious destiny,
Let there from us today arise
Melodious anthems to the skies
From out thy borders, Kansas Land.

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