Lottie Brown Allen Home Poems Poets Lottie Brown Allen Poems Christmas Tide by Lottie Brown Allen Turn ye away from your hearth fires bright, Women and men of the world, tonight; June by Lottie Brown Allen Oh what is more sweet than the month of June When our senses thrill and our hearts keep tune Kansas Day by Lottie Brown Allen O, Kansas Land! Fair Kansas Land! We come thy birthday morn to greet, Kansas by Lottie Brown Allen Do you know where the sun shines brightest Out in the golden west; October by Lottie Brown Allen O, golden days! O, quiet, peaceful days! October’s winsome voice we now can hear, Sunflowers by Lottie Brown Allen Up from the wayside damp and cold Cut of the early Kansas mold The Old, Old Story by Lottie Brown Allen Joyfully the hours were speeding, And the children, all unheeding