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Wedding Poems

Table of Contents

  1. Wedded by Emily Dickinson
  2. The Bridemaid by Hannah Flagg Gould
  3. Ballad to a Bride by Charles G. D. Roberts
  4. The Village Wedding by J. R. Eastwood

  1. Wedded

    by Emily Dickinson

    A solemn thing it was, I said,
    A woman white to be,
    And wear, if God should count me fit,
    Her hallowed mystery.

    A timid thing to drop a life
    Into the purple well,
    Too plummetless that it come back
    Eternity until.

  2. The Bridemaid

    by Hannah Flagg Gould

    'T is over! I have past the cruel test!
    Methinks I carried well the mask of joy,
    That frequent use had fitted to my face
    Too closely to be shaken by the throb
    Of a torn bosom. Yes, I chose the dove
    To fasten at my breast this chain of gems,

    A sign of peace within. Sad mockery!
    The dove was all without, and formed of stone!
    A heart that's breaking at another's bliss
    Should burst without a groan; and mine I thank,
    That every string has snapped so silently,
    Quivered and bled unseen.
    Ye beauteous flowers,
    Behold your sisters in the cast-off wreath,
    That, pale and worthless, withers at my feet!
    They speak of her who wore them—Ye, of one
    Who grew beside her: Yet, the dew of grief
    Ne'er touched her bloom.
    My silent lute, farewell!!
    Thy broken strings will never be restored.
    When next thy mistress sweeps the tuneful chord,
    May seraph voices mingle with the notes
    Where sorrow claims no strain!
    Poor, sickly pearls!
    How dim and pale ye look, trailed useless out!
    The hue of death is cast o'er every thing;
    And, vanity is marked on all I see,
    On all! Oh, no! One blessed sign appears,
    A precious emblem to the eye of Faith!
    The holy cross, formed of these ocean gems.
    Lo! what a sudden lustre they assume!
    It came not from the deep! It is the smile
    Of heaven upon the figure they show forth!
    With this before me, shall not purer love
    And higher hopes than feed on aught below
    Lead home my wildered soul?
    If Heaven will take
    A heart that earth has crushed, form it anew,
    And light it from on high, I offer mine,
    Not without shame, that all things else were tried
    Before the only balm.
    Look down, O Thou,
    Who wast at Cana! Bless the rite that's past!
    Help me to put a wedding garment on
    For the great marriage supper; and to wear
    Thy choice of ornaments, while I await
    The coming of the BRIDEGROOM!

  3. Ballad to a Bride

    by Charles G. D. Roberts

    Bring orange-blossoms fairly twined,
    Fair-plaited wreaths to wreathe her hair,
    Sweet-smelling garlands meet to bind
    Her brows, and be out-glistened there;
    Bring radiant blooms and jewels rare
    Against the happy bridal day;—
    A sound of parting thrills the air:—
    Hearken a little to my lay.

    Now, blossoms shine, but ye shall find
    Beside her brow ye are not fair;
    Breathe sweetly an' ye have a mind,
    But with her breath can ye compare?
    Bright garlands, ye less lovely are,
    Nathless adorn her while ye may,—
    Even now her thoughts are otherwhere:—
    Hearken a little to my lay.

    Now hasten, maids; the flowers wind
    Amidst her hair with loving care:
    Wind roses, for their red consigned
    Beside her blushes to despair,
    Such happy beauty doth she wear;
    But haste,—her glad feet scarce will stay,
    Nor us she heeds, for he is near:—
    Hearken a little to my lay.


    He comes, they go, a blissful pair;
    Full willingly she speeds away;
    Full lightly heeds she this my prayer,—
    Hearken a little to my lay.

  4. The Village Wedding

    by J. R. Eastwood

    The weeks and months, with long delay,
    Have brought at last the wedding day;
    And pealing bells, with merry din,
    The joyful morn have ushered in!

    And now the church begins to fill;
    And all are seated, pleased and still,
    While matron looks rebuke the boys
    Who move their feet with shuffling noise.

    And village girls, with whispered talk,
    And smiling lips, have lined the walk,
    And ready stand, on either side,
    To scatter flowers before the bride.

    And soon she comes, with modest grace,
    The bridegroom waiting in his place;
    The ring is on, the words are said,
    They kneel to pray, and they are wed.

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