Whatever you are, be brave, boys!
The liar’s a coward and slave, boys!
Though clever at ruses
And sharp at excuses,
He’s a sneaking and pitiful knave, boys!
Whatever you are, be frank, boys!
’Tis better than money and rank, boys!
Still cleave to the right,
Be lovers of light;
Be open, aboveboard, and frank, boys!
Whatever you are, be kind, boys!
Be gentle in manners and mind, boys!
The man gentle in mien,
Words, and temper, I ween,
Is the gentleman truly refined, boys!
But, whatever you are, be true, boys!
Be visible through and through, boys;
Leave to others the shamming,
The “greening” and "cramming"
In fun and in earnest, be true, boys!